ISO 9001
TECRESA on 19/05/97 has obtained the Registered Firm Qualification and the right to use the trademark AENOR with the nº ER-0322/1.997, renovated and adapted on 17/07/2018. Thus, in case of order, the works will be carried out according to P.P.I., Quality procedures and all that the development of the work will require.
Con fecha Julio-2018 TECRESA ha superado satisfactoriamente la auditoria de calificación en seguridad AEQT obteniendo una calificación de 3 estrellas. Enhorabuena a todas las personas participantes directa e indirectamente en esta auditoría, y por supuesto dar las gracias a todo el personal de TECRESA que día a día con trabajo y constancia consiguen estos hitos.
ISO 45001
TECRESA on 01/03/06 has obtained the certifícate of Work Safety and Health and the right to use the name AENOR with the nº SST – 0011 / 2006, renovated and adapted on 17/07/2018.
TECRESA on June 2019 has successfully overcome the audit tracking certification of the application systems of chemical products of BASF for construction . This audit has been carried out by Bureau Veritas for the application of different lining systems for Surface protection and Concrete Structural Repair that was first issued on 27 June 2013, expiring on June 2022.