The good evolution of our company in the last years shows the high level of satisfaction among our customers. So as to continue guaranteeing in the future our customers´ satisfaction and continue operating in a safe and responsable. Thus, we will compromise to continue incorporating the environment in our daily management in our organization, improving day to day our environmental behaviour.
As in any kind of human activity, our company generates impacts to the environment due to which we will compromise to carry out a solid management, which will allow us to reduce, avoid or take out the different pollution types, according to the company´s real possibilities, and give the necessary training to all our staff about the environmental aspects linked to our activity, sensitizing so that the responsibilities concerning the Environment will be a requirement to each employee that will show our compromise.
Achieving a continuous environmental improvement, beyond the fulfillment of the environmental legislation, is one of our challenges. Thus, we will define and look over environmental objectives, goals and programs annually so as to reduce the main environmental impacts.
TECRESA with its head office located in Bilbao and subsidiaries located in Asturias, Huelva, Galicia and Cantabria, counts today on an average staff of 220 employees compromised with the environmental project that promote and help in the achievement of such compromise.